Tchack is an animation studio based in Lille (France) managed by a team of experienced images enthusiasts. We handle all the production process.

Expert, creative and innovative, we guarantee the quality and the completion of all projects. Independant, curious and open-minded, Tchack brings talents together.

Audacious and high-energy Tchack produce and co-produce films and series in France and abroad.


Technical manager

Tél. fixe(National) :03 62 53 75 20(International) :+33 362 537 520
Tél. mobile(National) :06 60 45 35 74(International) :+33 660 453 574

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Directeur d'écriture

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Artistic director

Tél. fixe(National) :03 62 53 75 20(International) :+33 362 537 520
Tél. mobile(National) :06 25 62 32 08(International) :+33 625 623 208

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Managing director and producer

Tél. fixe(National) :03 62 53 75 22(International) :+33 362 537 522
Tél. mobile(National) :06 60 74 45 42(International) :+33 660 744 542

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Santine MUÑOZ

Post-production manager

Tél. fixe(National) :03 62 53 75 22(International) :+33 362 537 522
Tél. mobile(National) :06 14 47 88 95(International) :+33 614 478 895

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Tchack ∙ 92, rue Léon Gambetta ∙ 59000 Lille ∙ France ∙ Tel: +33 320 003 522 ∙ Privacy Policy

Tchack's Facebook page  Tchack's Instagram page  Tchack's LinkedIn page

Tchack is member of Pictanovo, NORANIM, Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants, Syndicat des Producteurs de Films d'Animation, and the Agence du court métrage.